Friday, June 09, 2006

Todo: purchase Band Aids

Breakfast: bowl of Kashi Heart to Heart cereal (do you Heart Kashi Heart to Heart? I Heart Kashi Heart to Heart). Coffee (Berres Bro's French Caramel Cream). Chocolate malt flavored Carnation Instant Breakfast. Skim milk.

Coffee, Carnation instant breakfast, and cereal

Found a random piece of broken glass in my carpet. Must be from that glass I broke a week ago or so; I sure had thought I'd cleaned it up. I hope this is the last of it. Dad's always warning me of the dangers of broken glass, and I'd have to admit I never really believed him, probably because I've handled a fair amount of broken glass thusfar in my life and managed not to get hurt. Not this time: fingers bleeding all over the place. Apparently I do not own any bandages, so I'm holding out till 8:30 when the apartment office opens and I'll prevail upon them to lend me one.

Todo: purchase bandages.


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